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Warren, MA


About This Project

The Town of Warren has contracted with Weston & Sampson, Gamble Associates and Jeanne Boyle to develop a project plan for the future of the Wright’s Mill Complex in West Warren. Funded by the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the plan will offer suggested development possibilities for the site to transform the historic Wright's Mill into a vibrant economic hub.

The project will begin with documentation of the site's history, evaluating current conditions, and identifying necessary infrastructural and zoning updates to support redevelopment.


Public engagement is a critical component, including stakeholder interviews, public workshops, and maintaining this website to keep the community informed and involved. The ultimate goal is to create a detailed, feasible plan for the site's redevelopment, ensuring it becomes a significant economic and cultural asset for the town and region. Learn more about opportunities to participate.

From this initial analysis, the project team project will develop three hypothetical development scenarios to test different uses and required infrastructural upgrades. These scenarios will be informed by market studies and will consider the feasibility of various uses like retail, residential, and office spaces. The project team will then identify the particular infrastructure upgrades, zoning changes (if any), permitting requirements, benefits to the town, and potential funding sources for each of the development alternatives. These project materials will be used to create both a media and marketing plan, as well as a final project plan that will identify crucial next steps to make the redevelopment a reality.

Wright's Mill - Warren, MA [P. McWhorter]



The project team is currently in the process of developing three development alternatives with Town staff based on existing conditions analysis and public feedback.



The project began in December 2023 and aims to complete a final plan by June of 2025.

Comments and Questions


If you have a question or comment, please contact us.

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